Our Vision
We envision a World where stroke survivors, caregivers, family and friends have the resources necessary to lead a full and meaningful life.
Our Mission
- Our mission is provide resources supporting our vision. We take a Holistic approach where we address all those impacted providing physical, mental, social, financial and educational programs.
Survivors 4 Survivors hosted our first annual golf tournament on September 18 at Candlewood Valley Golf Course. Despite the rain all had a great time and overall a success. Please see Golf page for pictures. Sponsors are listed at bottom of page.
- We have teamed with StrokeOT. They offer many events and information. Events can be found in our calendar or their website. Please register on their website to attend events.
Evening Support Meetings added
Chat Sessions added
StrokeOT events added to Calendar.
Monthly Dinners Return (see Calendar)
Book Club
Walks returning in April
Go to Calendar for days/times
Go to News for Details
Upcoming Events
Peer Stroke Support Group Meeting
Survivor Support Meeting
1st Friday of Month at 10:00am
[In Person & Zoom]
Caregiver and Survivor Support Meeting
3rd Wednesday of Month at 6:30pm
[Zoom only]
Open Chat
3rd Friday of Month at 10:00am
[In Person & Zoom]
In Person Location
Ann’s Place
80 Saw Mill Rd.
Danbury, CT
1st Friday of Month at 10:00am
[In Person & Zoom]
Caregiver and Survivor Support Meeting
3rd Wednesday of Month at 6:30pm
[Zoom only]
Open Chat
3rd Friday of Month at 10:00am
[In Person & Zoom]
In Person Location
Ann’s Place
80 Saw Mill Rd.
Danbury, CT
Games online: Scattergories
All Stroke Survivors, Caregivers, family and friends Welcome.
Every Thursday
Time: 3:00p
Location: Zoom
Other Events
We also offer Yoga, Exercise classes, Walks, Golf, Dinners and social outings. Please see monthly calendar for specific dates.
All Zoom meetings joined through below link.
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9130659565?pwd=SnNDYUFBZit1UEdUbnY5Q3lhNHNLUT09
> Meeting ID: 913 065 9565
> Password: S4S
All Stroke Survivors, Caregivers, family and friends Welcome.
Every Thursday
Time: 3:00p
Location: Zoom
Other Events
We also offer Yoga, Exercise classes, Walks, Golf, Dinners and social outings. Please see monthly calendar for specific dates.
All Zoom meetings joined through below link.
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9130659565?pwd=SnNDYUFBZit1UEdUbnY5Q3lhNHNLUT09
> Meeting ID: 913 065 9565
> Password: S4S